Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Last Dewey Post

Well I stayed up the whole 24 hours. On Hour 23 I kept dosing with the book in my hand. I Think I averaged 35-45 minutes of reading every hour.  As the time went by I read more and did less of the challenge. I think I was to tired to think and I was trying to get through the last book. I really enjoyed myself and I plan on doing it again. Next time though I will have my camera handy. These are the books I finished. I put them in order of which one I liked the most to least.

Missing You (1-800-Where-R-You, #5)The Indian in the Cupboard  The Great Mom Swap  Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles, #2) 

I read a total of 1075 pages. When I compete again my goal will be 1100.


  1. That's impressive that you stayed up the whole 24 hours! You are officially a Read-a-Thon! Glad to hear you had fun and got LOTS of reading done.

  2. At hour 22 I didn't think I would make it but, I really wanted to finish the book I was reading.
